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Ace your CompTIA, Cisco, Juniper and More exams with over 4,000 free practice questions and answers�no registration or email required.
Access real exam questions, performance-based simulations, and detailed expert answers to help you prepare.
Practice in a user-friendly, exam-like interface for unlimited access and increased confidence to ensure your success.

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Why Choose Us?

100% Free Access Comprehensive Mock Exams

Access a wide range of expertly crafted mock exams tailored for IT certifications. Enjoy full access to our complete exam question database, with expert-verified answers at no cost.

Always Up-to-Date Simulations

Our question database is refreshed hourly to ensure you have access to the most current and accurate exam questions. Prepare with exams that simulate real-world scenarios to build confidence.

Engaging & Realistic Exam Preparation

Our interactive test interface replicates the actual exam environment, ensuring you're well-prepared. Plus, each question features an open discussion forum where you can ask for help or share your knowledge with others.

Available Mock Exams

CompTIA A+ Thumbnail

CompTIA A+

Prepare for your CompTIA A+ certification with realistic practice tests.

Google Thumbnail


Master Google Cloud Platform certifications with targeted practice tests.

Microsoft Thumbnail


Prepare for Microsoft certifications with our comprehensive resources.

AWS Thumbnail


Get ready for AWS certifications with expert-designed tests.

Juniper Thumbnail


Sharpen your skills for Juniper Networks certifications.

AICPA Thumbnail


Excel in AICPA certifications with focused mock tests.

Apple Thumbnail


Boost your expertise with Apple certifications practice tests.

Avaya Thumbnail


Gain mastery over Avaya systems with focused mock exams.

Citrix Thumbnail


Prepare for Citrix certifications with in-depth mock exams.

Informatica Thumbnail


Excel in Informatica certifications with curated resources.

IBM Thumbnail


Prepare for IBM certification exams with our reliable practice tests.

ITIL Thumbnail


Excel in IT service management with focused practice questions.

Linux Thumbnail


Boost your Linux expertise with curated practice exams.

Network Thumbnail


Prepare for network certifications with thorough practice exams.

Dell Thumbnail


Master Dell certifications with reliable mock tests.

Certified Ethical Hacker Thumbnail

Certified Ethical Hacker

Sharpen your cybersecurity skills with our CEH practice tests.

PRINCE2 Thumbnail


Boost your project management skills with PRINCE2 practice exams.

ISACA Thumbnail


Prepare for ISACA certifications with targeted mock exams.

Huawei Thumbnail


Sharpen your expertise with Huawei certification practice tests.

VMware Thumbnail


Get ready for VMware certifications with focused practice tests.

SAP Thumbnail


Prepare for SAP certifications with curated resources and exams.

Terraform Thumbnail


Excel in Terraform certifications with practical tests and exercises.

EC Council Thumbnail

EC Council

Master cybersecurity concepts with EC Council practice exams.

Red Hat Thumbnail

Red Hat

Prepare for Red Hat certifications with comprehensive tests.

Python Thumbnail


Boost your Python programming skills with hands-on mock exams.

PMI Thumbnail


Excel in project management certifications with PMI practice tests. Thumbnail

Master Agile methodologies with certification tests.

Certifications Thumbnail


Master certification tests.

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About Us

At Cert Rocket, we are dedicated to helping students and professionals achieve their certification goals with confidence. Backed by years of experience in IT training, we�ve designed a learning platform that prioritizes your success through comprehensive resources, mock exams, and expert guidance.

Our team of certified professionals and educators ensures that our materials stay up to date with the latest industry standards and exam objectives. We provide the most current IT certification exam materials, featuring real exam questions with detailed expert answers�all at little to no cost.

Whether you're starting your IT career or looking to advance your skills, Cert Rocket offers flexible learning options and personalized support to help you succeed. Join thousands of professionals who have earned their certifications with us and take the next step toward unlocking your potential.